
Organized by Japan Explosives Society

The 6th International Symposium on
Energetic Materials and their Applications

6-10 November, 2017, Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN

Abstract Submission

The deadline for the abstract submission has been extended to 19 June.

All prospective authors for Oral Presentation and Poster Presentation are requested to submit abstract of less than 250 words before 19 May 19 June, 2017.

Please make the abstract by using the abstract format in MS Word format.

* : required

Title for Presentation *
Abstract Attached *
  • Please Click the 'Browse...' Button and Choose Your Abstract File.
  • Please Name Your File 'yourname.doc' (Like 'ogawa.doc').
Presenter Name *
E-mail *
(Please re-enter)
Affiliation *
Country *
Curriculum Vitae *
  • Please describe the presenter's career, research field, academic achievements, and etc. briefly as the presenter's introduction (CV), so that a chairperson can introduce the presenter before the presentation in a session.
  • Sample text file is here.
Message to the Secretariat
Topic 1 *

-Please Choose at Least One Topic.

Topic 2

-Topics can be Chosen Up to Three.

Topic 3
Your preferred presentation type
  • Note that we might ask you to change your presentation type